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North Dakota Secretary of State


Statewide Election Countdown

June 11th, 2024
Vote.ND.Gov  |  Ballot Measures
Ballot Measure Order and Effective Dates
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  • Ballot Measure Order
    • The measures to be submitted to the electors must be grouped and classified as constitutional measures, initiated statutes, or referred statutes and must be placed within such groups or classifications by the secretary of state in the order received, for the purpose of placing them on the ballot. Measures submitted by the legislative assembly must be placed first on the ballot within their classification in the order approved by the legislative assembly. Constitutional measures shall be placed first on the ballot, initiated statutes second, and referred statutes third. After all the measures have been placed within the appropriate group or classification, all measures must be numbered consecutively, without regard to the various groups or classifications.
    • NDCC § 16.1-06-09
  • Effective Dates
    • If a majority of votes cast upon an initiated or a referred measure are affirmative, it shall be deemed enacted. An initiated or referred measure which is approved shall become law thirty days after the election, and a referred measure which is rejected shall be void immediately. If conflicting measures are approved, the one receiving the highest number of affirmative votes shall be law. A measure approved by the electors may not be repealed or amended by the legislative assembly for seven years from its effective date, except by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to each house.
    • Article III, Section 8 of the Constitution of North Dakota
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